Welcome to the site of the girl behind both
uru_n_imi and
naughty_virgin at Xanga. Yes, we're the same person, even if the persona and topics seem quite different. I created this account back in 2006, when I went on a rampage to stake out my desired username in as many places as possible, regardless of whether or not I will actually use the site. Since it seems as though Xanga will no longer be a viable option (even if it survives, I won't pay to blog if I can do it for free elsewhere), it's time for me to actually start using this account.
From what people have been posting on Xanga, it looks as though most of them are migrating to WordPress. That is not a problem for me, since I need three blogs, with three different levels of openness. One of those sites, most likely this one, will serve a similar purpose as uru_n_imi did. It will be my personal site, where I write about my day to day life as well as essays on topics that more people can relate to. My old LiveJournal, which I didn't use much because I didn't like the user interface as much as I liked Xanga's, can act as my venting blog, where I put my ugliest thoughts, and only a small group of people who actually choose to read them can find them there.
I'm thinking of creating I have created a
WordPress blog, for a wider audience. There I will showcase only my best writing, leaving out the mundane and personal. That site will be analogous to naughty_virgin, except it isn't confined to romantic relationships. It will be a site that I'll feel comfortable sharing with my Facebook friends (if I do ever decide to return to Facebook).
Then again, I might not even have time to blog anymore, if I do indeed end up in medical school, which is quite likely.